
Captain Caribbean    


About the town of St Marys, wanders a tall stature of a man going by the name of Allan.  Always involved in the community theater and head safety coordinator of the train excursion rides for the St Marys Express.  One day in early spring he caught the glimpse of a red headed lass named Scarlett as she stepped off her ship and boarded the train. He made her acquaintance by laying a string of jewels a round her neck.  Several months later they were wed and make their home in St Marys Georgia.

From then on Scarlett seduced him down the path to piracy.  Together they raid, pillage, and plunder for the community.  Allan is the father of four with 6 grandchildren.  Together he and his mate have 7 children and 11 grandchildren.  He is indeed an Fire Fighter/EMT for the City of Kingsland.  He has started his own handyman company (The Handy Pirate), working in Georgia and Fernandina Beach.  He is also the Logistics Committee Chairman with the Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival.


                First Mate



Gator, is a pirate with a fearsome reputation for fun and shenanigans.  Found washed ashore with an empty bottle of rum and a smile.  Having already found his treasure in his mate Castaway and their three stowaways, he seeks his fortune by educating others and bringing smiles to their faces.  

Gator is at home on a ship at sea, at the beach, or lazily floating down the river.  He can be found sword fighting, shooting cannons, and black powder pistols, hanging out with his stowaways.  He be flying his colors, representing the pirate in us all.




                          Lady Jessabelle  


Ahoy! Introducing Lady Jessabelle, the beloved and revered pirate who sailed the seven seas and to ever prance upon the poop deck. With a swagger in her step, she was the ocean’s original party animal. Though her name says lady, do not be confused. This dastardly wench will pray for a poor man soul whilst she robs him of his pantry and wallet.

As for the treasure Lady Jessabelle finds, it is said to be buried under a mountain of empty rum bottles. Her travels and treasures, scribbled on the back of treasure maps, reveal a pirate who lived for the thrill, the laughs, and the chance party on the high seas.

If you ever find yourself in her presence, do not be empty handed. Provide food or rum offerings, for she may decide to bless you with the secret to eternal life. Lady Jessabelle has been know to offer her blessings upon couples deserving of a fitting pirate nuptial.

However, do not provoke her for she may dust off her cutlass and cannons. And so, the story of Lady Jessabelle does not end ith a period, but with a wink and a nudge, a reminder that her story goes on wherever there’s a good time to be had and a sea shanty to be sung. Yarrr!                           








Sergeant at Arms









         WAYS and MEANS                                                  Scarlott Harlott


Scarlett rode the trades in Fernandina Beach  for many years, but became restless with the pirating waters there.  She set to the open  waters, to search for a new life.  She made port in St Marys Georgia.

 There she met a tall silver haired scalawag of a man, who captured her heart.  She set his feet on a path to piracy and together they raid, pillage, and plunder the waters of St Marys, spreading goodwill to the community.

 Scarlett is the Ways and Means chairman for the St Marys Pirates Club where she sets up fundraisers, so that the funds can be used  to help out families in need or to help with community service

 When Scarlett is not pirating, she enjoys theater and acting, performing in three plays thus far, She has  also been in four movies filmed in St Marys, Eye of the Hurricane, The Race, Preserve, and Daddy.

 Scarlett has raised three children and has four grandchildren, with an extended family of four more children  and six grandchildren.  In her spare time Scarlett enjoys costuming and recreating movie character costumes.  Scarlett also attends Sunburst Convention of Celebrity Impersonators, where she portrays Carol Burnett,  Phyllis Diller, The Queen of Hearts, and others.  Scarlett has come to love St Marys, and hopes to remain here for many years to come.








                       Captain Peg Leg






                          Admiral Peacock   






          OUR MEMBERS


       Mudslide Dave            Rebelle                                       


             Bella                                       Castaway


                Todd                      Pappa Wheelie  


                Kevin                          Paul




                                                                                                Bradley                                                        Moose                                                                                                                                           

            Danielle                                  Leia                                     



            Falen                                 Bailey










                                                                                          Kristen                  Trenna                 Courtney                                                        

